Help Expand our Camp Programs!
We have two annual Fall camps at the present time, one for girls and one for boys. Funding comes primarily from community businesses and individual donations. Expanded funding means expanded program options.
Please join our contributing Circle of Friends.
Enclosed is a check for my donation of:

[ ] $25 [ ]$50 [ ] $100 [ ]$250 [ ] $500
[ ] All contributions are valued. I can contribute $__________
[ ] Yes! I would like to receive The Healing Circle Newsletter.
[ ] Yes! I would like more information about becoming a volunteer.
[ ] I would like to remain anonymous.
[ ] I would like more information on planned giving.
The Healing Circle is a non-profit 501(c)(3). Your contribution is tax deductible as provided by law.

City, State, Zip:__________________________________
Phone: (___) _________________

Make checks payable to VOCA Camp Fund
Would you like someone to contact you about other ways to contribute to The Healing Circle? YES___ NO___
Please print this form and mail it directly to the address below.

Thank you! Your support helps us support Kids!